Report an Incident
Report a Non-Academic and Academic Violation
Non-academic violations are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, alcohol, disorderly conduct, drugs, hazing, harassment, physical violence, or other violations of university policies, regulations, or rules.
Academic violations are behaviors that include, but are not limited to, cheating, plagiarism or falsifying official records related to the University. General classroom misbehavior is considered a non-academic violation.
To report non-academic misconduct, please use our online reporting form.
Report Relationship or Interpersonal Violence, or Sexual Misconduct
Interpersonal violence includes dating violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, or stalking behaviors. The Office of Student Conduct and Integrity works with the Title IX Coordinator to address interpersonal violence concerns.
To report interpersonal violence, please use the following link.
Report Here →
Report Concerning, Worrisome, or Threatening Behaviors
Faculty, staff, students, community members, and guests are encouraged to use the FalconCare online referral form to report behavior that they perceive as concerning, worrisome, or threatening.
Report a Covid-19 Community Standards Violation
All members of the university community have a responsibility to report alleged violations to the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity. When submitting a report, please provide a description of the behavior and, if possible, provide as much detail as possible, including any additional documentation you may have.
Report Form Here →
Not sure if a behavior is a violation or how to categorize it?
Contact the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity at 919.516.5083.
Office of Student Conduct and Integrity
For questions or concerns please contact the
Dean of Students & Integrity
Dean Ann Brown